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The local president of the National Union of Ghana Students in the University of Education, Winneba, Kumasi, for the 2017/2018 academic year, Solomon Cudjoe popularly known as T-Solo acted in a way that deserves commendation. I personally had some few problems with him during his early days in office and I had serious doubts on his ability to deliver considering the high standards that were set by previous NUGS Presidents of COLTEK. That office has always produced very credible leaders. Mentioned can be made of Akwasi Agyemang that later became the National NUGS secretary, Eric Dumenu now a famous Student Counsel. Considering the above personalities, one would conclude that the office of NUGS president is not a child play.

I was privileged to attend the first meeting organized by Solomon ( Central Committee Meeting). In that meeting, he acted very emotionally when he had to shout on my friend cum younger brother, comrade David A Adingo, who is currently the best student activist.

 That first impression portrayed Solomon as an antidemocratic leader. Well, that was my perception about the gentleman. Indeed, I left the said meeting angrily after I struggled to catch his eyes on numerous occasions. I stopped going for his meetings subsequently though I continue to monitor him very well.

Cutting the long story short, the NUGS president proved me very wrong because his achievements are quite enviable. Despite our differences, the truth cannot be hidden. The young man is a good leader. Why that rendition? Wait patiently as I walk you through some of the remarkable things he did to merit the eulogy of my expensive pen.

To begin with, under his leadership,  the talent haunt show that was introduced by Eric Dumenu was improved upon. To have continued such a policy implemented by that creative Eric Dumenu amidst numerous challenges including finances, cannot be overlooked. Solomon ability to sustain that program has now in a way, institutionalized it and I'm sure incoming administrations won't abandon it. We can't do away with such platforms that provide the opportunity for talents to be identified and developed. It should not end there, the program should be improved to provide external opportunities for those talents to develop holistically.

Again, everybody saw the unprecedented nature of this year's NUGS week celebration.
Apart from the unprecedented Miss Adorable Night that attracted thousands of Students to the new auditorium, the award and dinner night is something that I will never forget in my life. When it was conspicuous that he was not getting the needed budgetary allocations to organize the program, he largely depended on sponsorship and ended up surprising all of us with an award night that recorded a remarkably mammoth and tumultuous gathering. The live band tunes, soft drinks and some meat for each and every single participant, made the night a memorable one. That program also recognized the contributions of students and some associations.  I was awarded the best student writer for the second consecutive time. That award has motivated me to aspire to become one of the prolific writers in this country. Why should I forget about that night? Certainly not. That award cum dinner night was the first of its kind that brought entertainment tycoons like zylophone media. If this is not competence, then what else is?

Also, the possible agenda team led by Solomon saw to the execution of the following:
1. Birth cert Registration
2. Passport Registration
3. NHIS Cards Renewal
4. SSNT Registration
5. E-zwich Registration
These are what students need. Kudos to you Solomon.

There was this mentorship program called Mama Zimbi program that was organized. I must be frank that though the intend of the program was excellent, it was a flop. The program was a disappointment since the resource person  didn't come. We were told some ridiculous stories. That good intention should not be abandoned. We need more of mentorship programs. That should be a lesson so that we can do better planning next time.

Let me end by saying that student  leadership can make and unmake your future that is why when you are given the mandate, you must work to occupy a good place in the hearts of students. This is because the future of this country is in the hands of these students who shall serve mother Ghana in different capacities.  Generally, the SRC did not impress students and many students have loss interest in the activities of students but I must say that Solomon have done more than I expected.
He can walk on campus, all chest out because he is leaving behind a legacy.

He worked for students and we all saw the evidence.
Let me succinctly admonish that the incoming SRC executives must learn some lessons and learn how to reinvigorate student leadership. Anything above this can spell a doom on subsequent administrations.

We give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.

Shall be back.........

Denis Andaban

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