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Your Excellency, kindly accept the greetings of a village boy from Daffiama-Bussie-Issa one of the districts created by the NDC government.  There is a saying that, when you want to speak to God, you speak through the air. I am not by this pronouncing you as a God but of course, you are a political God since you were parading yourself around as an economic prophet during your days in opposition. You were called a prophet. In my ordinary view, a prophet is not far from God. Permit me to speak to you through the air. If you come across it anywhere, just receive and read it well because it is without malice.

Your Excellency, it has been a while, you have not given any economic lecture even at the time our economy is in a helplessly wobbling situation.  Your loud silence amazes some of us who have been following you since the genesis of your political escapade. You know, when a bird makes so much noise and suddenly run into hiding, the other birds utterly suspect it is killed by the hunter. I shudder to think that you are behaving like such a bird. A very active and cunning political economist like you should not be too silent on the many pressing national issues begging for your attention.  At least, we are being told that you are the finest economic brain this country has ever produced. Your Excellency, I miss your voice. Please speak out.

Your Excellency, I hold the strongest conviction that your loud silence is precipitated the avoidable shame you have brought on yourself, having failed the consistency, integrity and credibility test.  Many including I, Denis Andaban, saw these days of shame coming on you when you were gallivanting all over the country "parroting like a hungry in the desert.
You were through so called economic lectures, preaching "paper economics", cunningly and mischievously interpreting theories from economic and describing same as competence and that whoever does not think your way is ignorant and cannot read.

Your consistent cacophony about the economy, at the time, made substantial political capital for your party.  Many unsuspecting Ghanaians bought your lies, mischievous analysis and many times, conspicuous fabrications. You were simply a doom monger who never mentioned anything positive about the economy.  Thankfully or may I say regrettably, as your boss demanded to be tried, Ghanaians gave you the mandate to try you.  It has been almost two years now.  How far with our economy?

Your Excellency, going through many of your renditions you made during your days of opposition, there a phrase that attracts me so much. I meant the "weak economic fundamental" rhetoric you postulated. At the time, you refused to appreciate the fact that the escalating import bill of a developing economy like Ghana had serious microeconomic repercussions on the economy.  As brilliant as you are, you did not know that we needed to expand local production, consume more of it and export more. At the time, you pretended over the fact that we needed to add value to our primary goods before we export so as to capture a commanding height in the world market.  All of these needed a medium to long term structural economic policy to help redefine the economy of the country.  The previous government was doing just that for the future prospects of the economy.  In your lame contention, you insisted that because the result wasn't immediate, it amounted to incompetent management of the economy. That was too pedestrian on your part but I won't blame you because you were extremely desperate to taste political power.

While the previous government was mechanizing Agriculture, building hospitals, expanding and constructing roads, constructing and expanding airports, building markets, building and revamping factories, cutting down imports and protecting local industries, you saw that as incompetent management of the economy.  I would have had no qualms with your boss if he had made such porous and jaundice economic analysis but certainly not you who carry a global academic accolade of economics.  You were either too petty or extremely desperate for power.
I was very happy that the NPP came into governance with you being the head of the economic management team. 

Your Excellency, are the economic fundamentals strong today? Are you not being exposed?  The reality is that the economic fundamentals are very weak.  You claimed that you arrested the cedi, locked it and given the keys to the Inspector General of Police.  Hahahahaha.....

Sir, why is the cedi palpitating like somebody suffering from epilepsy? Are we correct to call you a shameless incompetent Vice President?  Economic management is beyond reading old economic notes and churning our mischievous conclusions.  No, Dr.  Bawumia. You should have known better.
Your "competent" management of the economy has led to the collapse of many financial institutions. You are eventually collapsing the Ghanaian private sector which is indisputably, the engine of any meaningful economic growth.  No wonder many of the private enterprises have ran into solvency and have no alternative than to lay off workers.  The thousands of people rendered jobless by your "competent management of the economy are coming home to join the humongous number of youth who remain jobless.  Amazingly, you are doing all of these at a time you are simultaneously collapsing small scale mining companies and giving mining concessions to Chinese friends for peanut.  The manifestation of these unthinkable acts is too obvious.  Can you realize that there is increasing levels of stealing, armed robbery, prostitution and other social vices?  Do you realize that prices for basic commodities keep on bolting at unimaginable prices and there is general hardship among the citizenry?

So there is economic crisis in the hands of a "competent economic management team!!!
Haha haha... Let me laugh to ease off the stress.  After all,  "country broke,  country no broke,  we all dey inside".

Alas!  I also remember all the "ugly" noise about borrowing.  You said we have all that we need in the country and that borrowing is a lazy approach.  Talk is indeed cheap!!

You are now all over the world borrowing recklessly and shamelessly capping in hand.  You are giving out our natural resources for peanut.  I hear you are busily working on another document for a century loan to mortgage the future of the country.  This is too sad Dr.

It is particular sad because, all these reckless borrowing have not added a single block of school to ease off the burden in the senior high schools.  You recently lamented on the infrastructure deficit for your much touted Free SHS but your only solution is to introduce a strange double track system.  It is sad because these loans are being used to pay the fat salaries and allowances of one hundred and eleven ministers, almost thousand presidential staffers, vigilante groups and others.  These loans are being used to fuel V8s in the expense of the taxpayers. 

Your Excellency, what have we done to you to deserve this wicked leadership from you?

Your Excellency, please don't hide in your office enjoying goodies from the public purse.  Kindly come out and see the suffering of the ordinary Ghanaian, see how key players in the private sector are crying, see how drivers are crying endlessly, and see the general excruciating hardship your leadership has brought to the country.  Many people are dying by frustration.

Your Excellency, remember that a hidden mouse can't hide forever, it will certainly come out after the food it gathers into its abode is exhausted. I hope you understand my village language?

I shall be back to you in the shortest possible time.  Please get up and save us.
Best regards to Samira.

Yours faithfully

Denis Andaban, a village boy from Daffima-Bussie-Issa constituency.


  1. Fantastic Peace of advice indeed to a parochial politician like the vice president. I think by now should be fining ways of getting directives from JDM if he not ignorantly proud.

  2. Powerful piece there. Our economy is smelling like shit

  3. Great piece though you were charitable

  4. Huuuuum in fact only the piglet that think the mother mouth is too long. Is not easy to be a leader until you take the Barton and is the you will realized how it is.

  5. Nice piece,pls vice president we need more lectures on our current economic state.prove to us that indeed you are economic gaint that Ghana has ever had.

  6. In fact, you said it all.This is a wakeup call.

  7. Written with political intent rather than economic
    A northerner routing for Mahama
    Under Mahama the ‘feel good factor’ was absent as well that’s why we massively voted for change

  8. Am awaiting his lectures again at the Central University

  9. Hmmm, what a nice piece. The cedi indeed is bolting like Usain Bolt. The vice president should come out and tell us what has happened to the Seven Banks and the unemployment created by their collapse. Good work done my brother. Keep it up.

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