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The Jesus Industry, a poem by Gladys Mbilla


On the living streets,  lie they, like a lion in wait,
Looking for who, on to devour, and who to prostrate,
THEY falsely and cunningly, on ignorant minds, prophesy
And make it look too good to be lies so one could deny,
They feed on the mentally enslaved minds of their victims,
Feasting on the sweat and labour of these big teens.

If one is already mentally hungry
One must sure be seen to be in a hurry
To agree with their deceitfully beatified truths
About casting your bread upon the waters for their life's breakthroughs.
Oh ye generation of little foresight,
Why hath thou forsaken righteousness with delight?
Seek YE first the kingdom of wisdom and ye shall live,
Your soul shall know no death, even after death shall ye relive .
Sieve their stomach campaigns, which doth them as is an election,
Like a lone bachelor, squeeze faced as in a dummy erextion.

God's not God if man can fathom his ways,
Man  ceases to be man if he has solution to every mishap in anyways.
They come to gather and spread their deceit like spiritualist do in giving alms,
And claim they are the gods with all authority in their open palms,
Spread out like a holy prophet crossed legged in reading psalms.
Do good and good shall be done to you,
Like a ball that is thrown at a wall,
Which sure bounces right back at you,
As a sheep heeding at his Master's call.

Religion has become the bane of the black race,
Religion must be seen to be synanomous to your culture in any case,
Live peacefully among men and
Remember good Christians are good citizens,
Obedience is better than sacrifices,
Pure religion is often found in the heart, not the church nor in the mosque.
But THEY, like whitewashed tombs,
Show off on the streets to announce their presence like a baby does in the womb.

Many already have come in his name,
Proclaiming as the long spoken of Messiah,
Turning HIS Holy proclamations into a chess like monetary game.
Take heed to the warnings that were long spoken of by prophet Isaiah.
The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.
The wells,  the olives, the vines and all sources of the oils.
Seek YE first wisdom in the Jesus industry
And common sense shall set you free.

Written by :
The Princess of Zion

Mbilla Gladys Alasid.


  1. Good piece. May be work on the rhyming words.
    N reduce the direct quotations from the Bible.
    Well done.

  2. The title could be "In the name of Jesus"

  3. Nice peace there,hitting the nail right on the head.
