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Passing by KATH yesterday 04/05/2020  during the hours 12:36 pm GMT, I got to a block with a notice: PLEASE DO NOT ENTER and the moment I read that, a voice from no where whispered to me saying: Mandy these '19 killers have befriended all those on that block. Wow I saw them, yeah I saw them.

So returning I decided to use that same route just to be sure of myself. Lo and behold my eyes were served right. I know you see them on television and in the news everyday. But this time with me, I saw them white and clear. You may ask what were they doing outside. Well to me I guess they were taking off their stress outside, I do not know what you may also think after seeing them.

The purpose all here today is about Education on how to take the precautionary measures in fighting this '19 killer.
Fellas it does not seem funny anymore. The necessary here is what you and I need to do to curb this killer.

Kindly do well to wash your hands under running water.
Cover your nose with a tissue when you sneeze or cough and kindly dispose in a bin immediately.
Avoid crowded areas and always observe social distancing.

Stay home when you have got nothing essential to do in town or possibly go with a nose mask and a hand sanitizer. This will be okay to put you on your toes in fighting this killer. COVID'19 IS REAL.


Amanda Ama Adjornor.


  1. Thanks for the reminder

  2. Great piece, you've beat my imagination. Thank you so much

  3. just as your spit n is like u created an occean..that is great dear..
    Ama Adjornor 1.

  4. Nice piece,I'm proud of you

  5. Nice piece 👌 Thanks for sharing with us 👍
