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 A professional teacher in the Nadowli Kaleo District is busily maximising profit by using his leisure time judiciously. Mr. Benjamin Antunmwine has opened a workshop in the heart of Nadowli where he is into the production of various aluminum products. 

It is largely argued that many teachers are poor because of their mismanagement of time,  poor conditions of service among others. 

Benjamin has made the story different as he makes extra income almost every day through  the production of aluminum products. The young teacher makes enough savings through his extra work.
According to him,  he earns more income from this work more than his regular salary as a teacher.

When visited the workshop to have first hand information on the teacher cum entrepreneur ,  he was busily working with many others.  He has seven apprentices who do the work with precision even in his absence.
Interacting with some of them,  they said that the work is a lucrative one and they can produce many pots of various sizes and gave an approximate of sixty pots a week. 
All of them do hope to open their own production shops after they are passed out.

At the time that there is an increasing rate of unemployment,  such creative individuals must be supported to expand their business to engage many youth.  As a country that believes in industrialization as a vehicle for economic growth,  skill training remains key in that regards.  Benjamen should be supported by interested parties through partnership to create many jobs for the youth of Nadowli-Kaleo District.

Mr. Benjamin told newsstandgh his willingness to partner  government or any NGO to create jobs. He explained that his knowledge and skills were acquired through inheritance.

"I learnt the manufacturing of iron pots as a child since that was the work of my Dad. While attending school, I still used to go to the workshop to learn during weekends and holidays. I could manufacture any kind of pot after completing my secondary school in 2001.
As a professional trained teacher, having the zeal to impact knowledge, I decided to open a workshop in Nadowli  Township. I started the manufacturing in August 2015". He added.

The teacher cum young entrepreneur who hails from Wa-Mangu a community in the WA municipality has so many plans in the creation of jobs. He however lamented that lack of support to expand his production,  and the unwillingness of many youth who idle around to take advantage of his enterprise to learn a trade are major issues he has been thinking about. 

The issue of unemployment,  illegal mining,  drunkenness, teenage pregnancy and many other social cankers linger in the Nadowli town.  Benjamin thinks that the fundamental precipitating factor escalating these cankers is poverty and believe that he has the wherewithal of changing the fortunes of interested youth who avail themselves for skill training.

Interestingly,  Mr.  Benjamin uses simple devices as manufacturing machines.  Most of the devices he uses in the production are things he invented himself.

Newsstandgh,  recommend the youth entrepreneur to government, NGOs and individuals for partnership so that to create jobs for many who want to learn that skill to earn a living.  Such private individuals who are striving on their own to make a change must be supported to do same to change the unemployment situation in our country.

Story by: Denis Andaban

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