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We must find common grounds in a special day like this show and demonstrate comradeship,  brotherhood and harmony.

It is on that premise,  I want to extend my sincere best wishes to my Muslim constituents whose prayers and support have pushed the constituency this far.

The prayers and sacrifices have given us much results that we must appreciate.  We have lived together in peace and harmony.  Peace and harmony are key catalysts of development.

I want to assure all that,  I sincerely join you in this day of feast cum sacrifice.  The sacrifices you have been making for the good of the entire society shall be rewarded much more than we can physically measure.
The benefits that shall come from these sacrifices shall benefit all.

This is why we must share the joy and pain together in out quest to building a society with cherished  values.

Let's use this day to show love,  compassion and brotherhood.  This is our unique identity as a people.

I shall do my best possibly to fight for the development of our young District cum Constituency which is still bedevilled with many developmental predicaments.

Let's still pray,  work hard and collectively ensure that we salvage some of these challenges as a people.

With your prayers and support,  we shall radically and aggressively confront our falling educational standards,  infrastructural deficit among a host of problems.

May the Almighty Allah continue to give us the spirit of commitment,  sacrifice,  unison and collective sense of purpose as we soldier on to make a better society.

May Allah bless all Moslem communities and protect us from any calamity as we celebrate this joyous occasion.

Much regards and love!!!

Happy Eid-ul Adha

Thank you.

HON Sebastian Sandaare
Member of Parliament for Daffiama-Bussie-Issa Constituency.

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