Breaking News



Just the other day
We had our time of valentine
When we had made our hay
Unlike these times of quarantine.

We used to meet
We used to tweet
When living was sweet
But just now we can't even greet.

We saw men and women on our streets
They took their kids along and bought them sweets.
But now we can't even go out
Now we can only express our love to people by shout outs.

All we hear now is home stay,
When you are to go to the market, they say no way.
What world has become of today?
What an enormous price we all must pay.

On the palms of the winds lays covid
The news on the waves makes us all worried
Worried so much that we feel unvovered
By some monstrous demon on the air hovers.

We have become the living dead with our mouths tied
By unpardonable leaves of bondage,
We're alive yet buried in graves
Like a pregnant woman, for the skies and stars craves.

We're at the crossroads where the road divides,
Living lonely parrallel lives together,
Like a lonely crowd from where wails are the only tides.

And when people learn that we must live as one forever.
Our women can never go to the stream as one,
Our fathers can no longer sit together under the boabab tree.
Our brothers can no longer go to distant lands
Nor can our sisters anymore play ampe under the moon light.

Written by: Poet Gladys Mbilla

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