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My worries and fears have reached a crescendo because the trend of the spread of the deadly coronavirus is scary. In my personal thought of trying to appreciate the emergence of this strange virus, I get confused. Yes, I am in a state of dilemma and I actually stand in the middle of science and theology. I am sure I am not the only confused person here. Many are also standing in between science and theology, not knowing which path to chart in our anxious quest to arresting this pandemic.

On the scale of science, I have some hope that someone will definitely through research, find an antidote to this global threat. My problem however get aggravated when I think about how long this would take because the rapidity in which the virus is spreading is comparable to the speed of light. We are told by the data that thousands have passed on so far, globally. Even the more scientifically and technologically advanced countries are recording the worst situation. They have the most sophiscated laboratories, scientists and financial engineering to innovate beyond our imagination, yet this disease is giving them hell. May be, by the time we finally get an effective antidote, many of us would have perished. God forbid!!!

On the scale of theology, one may think that the world is coming to an end. May be the situation that Abraham and his descendants found themselves in that dreadly flood that left their generations devastated, is being replicated in a different form.

Yes, our generation is not pious. The world is full of sins. If it is as a result of our sins, God should extent mercy and cleanse us like HE spared Nowah.

We have learnt our lessons from the pandemic. We will leave our lives meticulously. The vanity that has become the unrepentant desire of man would eventually be buried for dignity, humility, tolerance, obedience and discipline. Yes, I know our own desires can occasion such a catastrophe. Other sinful souls, against your will, may even be behind our perilous circumstances but you alone know it and should protect the many innocent and helpless people.

While we are in a state of confusion, we need to try our hands from every angle, we may be lucky to find a lasting panacea to our woes.

The scientists and researchers should not throw their hands in despair. They should continue to work assiduously to find a solution to the canker.

Those who believe in prayers, should continue to pray for directions from God. It is only that multiple approach that can bring salvation.

Let's not relagate any of the perspectives. While we continue to practice the basic preventive measures that have been prescribed by the health experts, government must go the extra mile to offer hope to the people.

 The needed investment should be done with alacrity. This isn't the time for empty promises and rhetoric.

Again, government must be serious on its own prescriptive measures. I am disappointed that government own appointees are disregarding the president directives on this very issue.

The National Identification Authority's posturing has made our president appeared "useless" in the mist of our precarious situation.

 The powers, dignity and respect for the office of the president are sacred and must not be rubbished. What the National Identification Authority is doing, is putting the office of the president into public disrepute.

It amazes me that the president watches on as his own people undermine his powers in that shameful manner. Or is it the case that there is some conspiracy theory being executed to benefit from the crisis situation? That would have been the highest demonstration of hypocrisy and betrayal by the president.

The fact that you want to make the Ghana Card  a source document for the compilation of a new voter register should not mean that you should demonstrate insensitiveness to those  whose powers, the president is a president.

Governance should be all about power and thinking about winning elections. We are in serious times and we needed a more nationalistic spirit to move on in our fight against the virus, but people think that it is an opportunity to benefit from the crisis.

Let's show honesty by truly joining hands to fight the pandemic. When that is over, the president and his cohorts may then continue to engage in their election rigging expedition. It is not every Ghanaian that is interested in becoming a president but every Ghanaian want to live and we must protect all.

The quest for power at all cost is part of the vanity of man that is making life on earth almost unbearable. We must be careful or perish in many forms together!!!

Denis Andaban
The village boy from DBI

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