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Hello, how have you been, Adamu, my dear?
Why does your silence seek, for the knot that ties together our souls, to tear?
How is Papa, Mma and my little friend Ama?
I don't wish to, but you act like that man, Osama.

Would I ever forget what Mama taught me always, by the fireside?
That a woman is meant for nothing but to be, always by a man's side?
To him submit,  support, obey and worship as her Lord?
As was ordained by Odumankuma, stipulated in the books of divine law?

And yes, also about the rules that govern "US" when approaching our village BOABAB TREE?
I have to stoop my face, remove my sandals and go down on one knee?
To worship, and with much reverence show submission at your feet?
But never look straight into your eyes like we do here reading a sign board on the street?

There is yet another thing I can't afford to forget.
Do you remember what you and I did, before I took my things with me in a grass woven basket?
You held me close to you and you put your lips to mine, forgetting it was a taboo?
Just like many of the church - going people here think when they see on your body, any mark or tattoo?

You should have waited till when my people come to pick cow dung from your father.
But what you did was what pushed my reverence for you a little farther.
With what you did, would I still be forced to do what is commanded of me?
Can't I even decide whether I want something or not, but banned from coming under the Boabab tree?

Do you not, still remember it was Brother John who saved me, from you and took me away?
Though our people think, his people does not belong with us, he has never, as you, did sway.
So now tell me, what do you think, is respect demanded?
And do you still hold to the belief that my respect must be commanded?

That WE must always nod to everything you say like an agama lizard?
Even when with it calamity loom, like the night cry of our village wizard?
But why did the gods bless US with our heads then?
Our wisdom, knowledge, capabilities and technical knowhow must be CAGED within us till when?

I will end here, but when next I write to you, I shall tell you about a book,
Whose wisdom and teachings I know, you remember our people seldom took.
From which I learnt that for us to live together in peace,
It must be a cause - and - effect understanding piece

Of, you love me, I naturally submit to you.
Outside which, there'd be nothing but strife all through.
Now drop the unrepentant pride and after reading this letter, reply,
So that in everything and anything, I would always gladly comply.

It is me,
Your love,
The phenomenal poet.

Gladys Alasid Mbilla
