You are now a yearly ritual
An unending yearly revolution
Oh mother earth,
I weep for you
Your caretaker and the Inheritor of your property,
Man, is here again with his wickedness.
Creatures begin to taste hell on earth
In your flames as if they were dead
But right here on earth. Why?
The performance of this ritual is seen
Any time the rain retires
And leaves of trees are shed
Shrubs and grasses begin to wither
When they taste drought .
Many creatures are often wiped off in fire
Together with our livelihood.
Oh man !
You must think and rethink of what you do
You drink your own blood
Dig your own grave
And still expect to be alive
When you burn the bush ?
Stop the bad practice
To have abundant to live on
And enjoy your days on earth.
Burning the bush is like sowing
A seed of destruction
Immediately it germinates
Be sure of battling problems
And you can never enjoy an iota of peace.
Let's all join the campaign against bush burning!!
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