Breaking News


Before nose-diving into the substance of my piece,  let me congratule comrade Sammy Gyanfi, having been called to the BAR after a successful completion of his legal education. It is not easy to be called to the BAR. This is at the time the general legal council is being castigated for using some unfriendly regulations to truncate the dreams of many young people who desire to enter into the legal profession.  Many are those who have suffered from this which many say that they are needless restrictions.  We were told that many of these aspiring lawyers failed their examination,  an issue that sparked public opprobrium in this country.

It is on this premise that Sammy Gyanfi must be proud of himself. Some of us are equally proud of him. He is a national asset. He has proven that he is a young man of enviable intellectual sagacity.

For somebody like Sammy to combine political communication,  student leadership,  corporate public relation practitioning and the extremely tedious legal training,  is indicative of the fact that apart from being intelligent,  he is a very industrous and enterprising young man with an exemplary life to show.  It lies on the onus of some of us to emulate  same  as we aspire for greater heights.

I have keenly followed  Sammy for sometime now through his political communication.  He stages very convincing debates and has been on the neck of NPP government.  His command over the Queen's Language,  his fearlessness,  passion,  consistency and facts in his submissions,  make him an epitome of effective contemporary political communicator who has the wherewithal to easily win floating voters and the intellectual community.

I have learnt that for you to be a prolific communicator,  your facts must be intact.  This requires consistent and comprehensive research. This is what Sammy has been demonstrating. He is just the standard of standard political communication.

For me,  when I heard Sammy has availed himself to serve the great NDC in the capacity of National Communication Officer,  I was excitedly motivated as a young party communicator who has been working in my little corner with virtually no recognition.  He is an answer to the question of whether it is age or wisdom that matters.  Many other colleagues have agreed and confessed that they get motivated, listening to the young man.  These are the caliber of individuals who should lead a party to make it attractive to the youth and the intellectual community.

We have no other option than to give Sammy Gyanfi the maximum support to win the impending elections.  He is the best to lead the communication of our party.  We cannot gamble  such a sensitive position like the National Communication Officer. We need a listening, humble but fearless,  intelligent and dynamic, as well as a connected young man like him to redefine our communication  structures to meet contemporary needs especially when the NPP government apparently take solace in spewing out propaganda after leading the nation into an extremely unprecedented levels of hardship and suffering.

I urge all delegates to vote for Sammy Gyanfi to become our National Communication Officer.  We are in a critical political era and our survival largely depends on the sort of people we choose to lead us.

 Communication is also becoming more sophiscated particularly in our already convoluted political environment.  If we don't have a generational leader who can stand the test of time under these circumstances,  then our party could be lagging behind.

Let me finally wish Sammy well in his legal profession and in the coming elections.

It is my hope that he would win convincingly and work to the expectations of our party as we galvanise support for power come 2020.

Denis Andaban


  1. Sammy Gyanfi is one of the few communicators of NDC I admire so much. Anytime he comes on national television l become inspired. I urge all delegates to vote Sammy Gyanfi as national communication officer.

  2. Sammy Gyamfi, U shall win.InshaAllah
