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It is often said that, nobody is born criminal, it is society that makes criminals. The penchant to lie, steal and the many social vices in society are the clear manifestation of our unending negligence to building a moral standpoint for our generation. The pinching insults and cacophony instead of actions on our contemporary challenges makes life in our country very intoxicating and pathetic.

Our approach to addressing problems makes us become a laughing stock to the outside world though every nation has its challenges. Corruption is as complicated as a spider's web and its consequences are as stingy as chameleon faeces. We must be practical in our individual ways. The fight should start right from our families, churches, schools among others and not in the media where individuals who claims to be angels use all kinds of unprintable words on others as a perceived way of eradicating bad deeds in our society. Ignorantly, those who adopt this holier thou attitude continually use petrol to quench fire. Even in the animals' kingdom, illegality is not used to correct an illegality. It appears "lunaticism" is hunting us all.

Succinctly, corruption has found its way into the door steps of all Ghanaian households. Instead of teaming up and waging a national war against it, we toe in different paths, creating a gab for the canker to fester. The worst of it all is the usual partisanship we inject into such national issues.
Our government(past and present) keeps investing massively in our educational sector. Interestingly, almost every Ghanaian child is in school. The question I keep  asking myself is, what sort of values, attitudes, norms and morals are we imparting in these children? We are much interested in preparing them for results oriented and white collar jobs. Yes it is a fact that education is the pillar stone for development but not when it eludes the background of where it seeks to develop.
We should have reasonably learnt enough lessons to realize that we need to be emphatic on morality. Our school system must be centred around our cultural orientation which can churn out worthy citizenry with the capacity to fight and defend mother Ghana. It is evidently clear that, the elite class of our present generation are the worse criminals we have. I personally call it " elistealism" where the educated class are predetermined to ruin our beloved nation with impunity.

Our quest to building a resilient democratic dispensation must start with preparing minds and souls worthy of trust to mind it. Ironically, we politically masturbate with the real very important issues just for cheap political gains. It is this unnecessary partisanship that is catapulting this canker to its current  disturbing position. For how long can we remain adamant to the detriment of real social growth? We cannot have a real social change if few individuals shamelessly siphon our few resources like hungry desert vampires.
Absurdly, such unpatriotic and wicked individuals are given all kinds of accolades in society and are addressed with all sort of adjectives in functions and important gatherings in our society. Days of shame.... indeed.

If our laws cannot work, then let's give way to our shrines, gods and deities because there is no democracy when sanctity is thrown to the dogs.
I love my country Ghana.

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