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The SRC President of the University of Education, Winneba, Kumasi, Master Clifford Tuffour  addressed SANDWICH students on the role of the SRC. The program which was attended by about 800 students was meant to orientate the fresh students for the 2017/2018 academic year.

The SRC President Speaking to the students admonished students to be supportive to the SRC leadership by way of taking part in SRC programs as well as paying their SRC dues.

He also assured them of doing his best to create an enabling environments for sound academic work. Below is the full speech delivered by the president.


Mr. Chairman, the Principal, Ag. College  Registrar,  Vice Dean of Students Affairs, Deans of Faculties, Heads of Departments, Senior staff, Colleagues SRC Executives, Dear Students, Ladies and Gentlemen.

I am highly elated for the time given me to interact with my dear colleagues Junior Members of UEW-K. According to Pele "success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do." Let me use this opportunity to on behalf of the SRC, warmly welcome you all to this Noble institution, University of Education Winneba, Kumasi. I can assure you that you have chosen the best institution and I congratulate you all for your successful enrollment into this University.

The Student Representative Council by the University of Education Winneba Act 2004, Act 672 of the Parliament of Ghana is the official organ of students' of the University and plays several functions as explicitly stipulated in article 4 of the SRC constitution. For the purposes of this program, permit me to  touch on some of the key roles of the Student Representative Council in UEW.

Firstly, the SRC is responsible for promoting the general welfare and interest of students, coordinating the social, cultural, intellectual and recreational activities of the students in the University. Academic excellence requires an enabling and conducive environment and as such, the SRC places premium in ensuring that the interest, challenges, strength and weaknesses of students are taken care of by the University, in order to have a very motivational, inspiring and peaceful relationship among members of the University's community. The strength of the SRC therefore emanates from all students whose powers and interest are what the Council represents. It is therefore incumbent on all, to always channel any grievances, relative to the general welfare of students, through the SRC for a possible redress.

Secondly, the University's community is a larger community with cultural diversity. The SRC harness this cultural diversity as strength in enabling a holistic education. The SRC does this by providing numerous platforms to promote cordial relationship among all sections of the University and for maintaining good relationship with past students, both local and foreign, of the University through the Alumni association. In my view the SRC is a bigger family that every University student must belong, respect and pay loyalty and commitment to. I encourage you all to see one another as family members, the only way we can better relate and learn together. SRC in its bid shall contribute to strengthen the bond among us through a series of well coordinated programs to ensure a peaceful coexistence among us as a family.

In addition, the SRC has the mandate to express the views and grievances of students of the university on national and international issues not exclusively issues affecting the University through the National Union of Ghana Students. This is because; students are a major stakeholder of education and as such should be in the capacity to contribute to policy formulation, implementation and evaluation. It is on that score that we must have a united voice through the SRC in national and international discourse. As postulated by Albert Einstein "in the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity."  I urge you all to see the SRC as an opportunity in every situation you find yourself.

Ladies and gentlemen, there are numerous organizations and association on campus. The SRC is the Umbrella association and as such stands to always streamline the operations and activities of these organizations and associations for the general good of the students.

There is a saying that all work and no play, makes jack a dull boy. The SRC considers socialization as an important tool for social integration, unity and tolerance. Apart from organizing various programs at different levels to cater for such, SRC week is always celebrated annually by all students. We often mark this occasion by organizing programs including leadership seminars, capacity building and training and various entertainment programs.

Ladies and gentlemen, I can assure you as the SRC President of UEW_K, that we are very much committed to working assiduously to cater for the general interest and welfare of you all so that you can have a holistic education on this Noble Institution. I however admonish that you support leadership by paying your dues and participating in programs and activities organized by SRC. It is said by Helen Keller that "talents win games but teamwork and intelligence wins championship." It is the hope of SRC to offer you the best of inclusive and proactive leadership. It is also my sincere hope that together we can put SRC in a better capacity to promote the general welfare of all students. My doors are opened to every student. Feel free to approach the SRC Secretariat with any challenge and we shall totally give you the needed support, guidance or redress.

I thank you for giving me audience and I pray that you have a better stay on campus.

Long live SRC
Long live UEW-K
Long live GHANA

Thank you.
Clifford Joseph Tuffour
(SRC President, UEW-K)

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