Breaking News


The people of Nadowli yesterday, 15th May, 2019 witnessed a dreadful flood after a heavy downpour. The rain started  at about 4:30pm and ended at about 5:40pm. The over an hour cats and dogs rain, left many residents of Nadowli, the District Capital of the Nadowli/Kaleo District terrified.

Areas around the Nadowli District Hospital were badly affected as water had risen to waist level. Some people did not have it easy  going into their houses or coming out.

A small dam along the Nadowli-Wa road overflown it banks and had taken over houses around for hours before the water levels went down.

Another area that was heavily flooded was Nawuli specifically around Ivy Maria, a popular Guest House and drinking spot. The flood had engulfed the houses and stores around  the area, leaving many residents in fear. Checks reveals that no lives were lost.

Surprisingly, the big gutters that were choked barricaded free movement of the water. This forced the water to piled up and ended up flooding the streets as well, particularly, along the main junction.

Looking at the nature of the flood that occurred, it would have been catastrophic if the rain had continued beyond the time it stopped.

Residents of Nadowli and the District Assembly must begin to think of ways of preventing any future occurrences because every indication shows that if care is not taken, the town could  record a dangerous flood especially that we are going into an era of regular and heavy rains.

Many houses are also spotted along water ways particularly around the main dam and along the hospital area. Checks are yet to be done whether the town and country planning department of the Nadowli/Kaleo District Assembly sanctioned the building of houses in those areas.

Further checks this morning reveals that the water is gone and many affected households are at ease now.

Denis Andaban

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