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Today, I have been busy and was unstable on social media. I came online 15 minutes ago and read a plethora and lethargy of melodies in honor of the no other a person than H E Clifford Tuffour, the SRC president of the University of Education, Winneba, Kumasi.  Of course, a star student politician of his character deserves our precious time because we those in the political domain in UEW-K have made strive together for the better of the institution and the country long before he ascended the throne of the presidency. In the battle front, he is certainly a hero, having held the sword and continues to hold as a fine and influential student parliamentarian and Student Barrister.

No form of eulogy can better describe such a man with visible dynamism and unflinching quest to contribute to institutional cum national development.

Personally, in the days of my level hundred, his influence on my campus political advancement, was tremendously recommendable. I had to sit by him during parliamentary proceedings and Local Assembly meetings. Of course, every curious young politician would want to draw from the pot of wisdom and experience of such an iconic character that has a deep knowledge in constitutional matters.

For me, I have personally enjoyed this gentleman long before he became president. We have worked together at the Students Representative Council as members of the Judicial Board. Indisputably, the SRC JB is the most sensitive and delicate office and working there speaks volume of one's experience on legal matters, especially in an institution like ours where student politicians have so much interest and fair experience in constitutional matters. At the board, he contributed his part and we had a very good relationship before his political escapades which catapulted him into an electoral victory in an election that was keenly contested by other men of substance.

Significantly, I need to state that his tolerance is so far seen by all. I remember in one of my write ups, I called on him to engage in an intensive reconciliation to ensure that all the many experience hands in UEW-K are brought to desk in our desire to work for institutional excellence. I'm in a better position to say that all his contenders in that election are supporting him in one way or the other to fix the problems of our Noble institution and that has sumptuously added up to my admiration for the gentleman.

Let me restrain myself from touching on his administration so far but to add that he has a lot to give to this institution and our nation at large.

Your Excellency, beyond those narratives, let me succinctly with profound sincerity, extend my solidarity message to you on this special day as you celebrate your milestone. It is indeed a day of self introspection, jollification and certainly rejuvenation of hopes in your life. Many of the melodies have already been inked so far, as numerous students across the country celebrate your legendary personality and I only have to be relatively brief. My humbly admonition to you is that just maintain your enviable personality and never allow the trajectories, predicaments, critique among other democratic norms from your subjects, change your personality. That will make you stronger and stronger.

Finally Mr. President, I am ready to contribute to your development agenda. I am ready to offer alternatives and other supports as an individual and Speaker of Student Parliament to have the development process but also find a heart when sometimes, my ink offers constructive criticism. That is the hallmark of student politics.
I wish you a happy birthday.

No! one more thing Mr. President. Ever since I knew you, it has never come to mind to find out who that fortunate handbag is. As a student parliamentarian who is very familiar the informalities in the house, I hope you understand?
Well, kindly make me the deputy minister in charge of handbags, now that you have given the ambassador at large to somebody hihihihihi.....

Enjoy your day
Denis Andaban

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