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The name is a household name in the COLTEK community because of his unrepentant passion for student activism, student politics and leadership in general. His popularity is enough for any one to call him a grassroot man. A man who is very strategic, tolerant and very sociable.

Of course, I got to know this gentleman as far back as 2010 and have stayed in same house with him for about two years. I have really Learnt a lot from him especially when he was a head teacher.  I know his in and out beyond his campus life and I can state emphatically that he has a lot to offer to this nation in the near future.

What amazes me is his the level of humility. With his background and intellectual sagacity, he still remains down to earth. That is the caliber of leaders this country needs to develop. Today let me add this piece of information to readers that Dapilaah is a PRINCE, the son of a famous and influential Paramount chief. I think that being a son of a famous Chief like Naa Dapilaa, is probably the secret behind his proficiency in proverbial speeches. Such demonstration of linguistic intelligence is very common among people from the Ghanaian royal families. Dapilaa cannot speak without proverbs and I have always enjoyed every conversation with him.

His passion for politics is quite conspicuous but his political strategy is very unique and enviable unlike many youth who engage in politics of lies, insults and vilification. He relates well with his opponents and live by his political convictions. He is very smart and strong politically. It is his smartness and great influence that has earned the respect of his followers, largely, students of the University of Education. His influence and strong political convictions transmogrified his name Dapilaa to "the pillar". He was so strong in the all political spheres on campus that some followers of him decide to name his " the pillar". Personally I think that one could not have described this gem better without the statement, now a name "the Pillar". One good thing deserves the other. No wonder he is part of those who laid a strong foundation for students' Parliament. Indeed he was the Speaker for the 9th Parliament and he worked assiduously to make student Parliament, UEW-K among the best in the country today.

Apart from the proverbial speeches, there is one legacy he has left in the COLTEK community that many may not have noticed. He has his brand of dressing, very unique. Well, as a prince, he knows how to blend tradition and fashion. I see that many a student now try to dress like him. I think those who are members of the COLTEK community know what I'm talking about. At least, one can easily remember his quality smocks and famous hat.

One would require an endless space and time to tell a more accurate and full story of this gentleman. Certainly I don't have that capacity to tell my readers everything I know about him. Any attempt would probably produce a standard M. A thesis. Well I'm still an undergraduate student. Hihihihi..........

Rt Hon Speaker (rtd) Dapilaa Abdulai, let me use this opportunity to let you know that some of us have been monitoring you from far and near and have indeed gained a lot from you directly and indirectly. The little experience gained from you is the reason some of us are still striving to learn more from the student Parliament and equally contribute immensely to add up to what you left. I'm sure that, student parliamentarians will always have a name like Dapilaa to remember in our future political lives.

As you celebrate your birthday today, it is only fair on my part to join the numerous colleagues, friends and relatives to extend my sincerest eulogy, felicitation and best wishes to you. I chose to use my ink to celebrate you because you admonished me never to let my pen rest. In such a  day of jollification, it is only prudent I tilt my pen against its wish, to halt the flow of my unstoppable ink so as you can give audience to other colleagues who certainly are banging, belling and flattering your walls with equally melodious  hymns of wishes.

I pray that the Great Allah will grant you all your heats desires. May the beginning of another year in your life be the beginning of abundant grace in your life. Amen.

I wish you a very happy birthday Mr. Speaker(rtd)

From your Junior Colleague In The Students' Struggle.
Denis Andaban

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